16 Essential Everyday Carry Items You Should Carry Consistently

In a world that can be unpredictable, having a well-thought-out Everyday Carry (EDC) kit is essential for individuals who prioritize preparedness. 

Whether you're a seasoned prepper or someone new to the concept, having a reliable set of tools and supplies on hand can make a significant difference in various situations. 

This article will guide you through the process of building your Everyday Carry essentials to ensure you're ready for whatever comes your way.

1. Multi-tool

A versatile tool that combines various functions such as cutting, screwing, and gripping, a multi-tool is a must-have in any EDC kit.

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2. Flashlight

Opt for a compact, durable flashlight with adjustable brightness settings. Consider one with a long battery life or one that is rechargeable.

3. Cell phone

Keep your phone charged and consider investing in a portable power bank to ensure you stay connected during emergencies.

4. Emergency contacts

Have a physical list of important contacts, including family members, close friends, and emergency services, in case your phone is unavailable.

5. Compact first aid kit

Include essentials like bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and any necessary prescription medications.

6. Personal medical information

Carry a card with essential medical information, allergies, and any relevant conditions.

7. Pocket knife

A reliable and sharp pocket knife can serve various purposes, from opening packages to self-defense.

8. Personal protection

Depending on your comfort level, consider carrying items such as pepper spray or a personal alarm for added security.

9. Compass

In the age of GPS, having a compass may seem old-fashioned, but it can be a lifesaver if technology fails.

10. Map

Keep a local map in your EDC kit, especially if you're traveling to unfamiliar areas.

11. Emergency blanket

Lightweight and compact, an emergency blanket can provide warmth in unexpected situations.

12. Weather-appropriate clothing

Consider the climate in your region and adjust your EDC clothing accordingly.

13. Water purification tablets or filter

Ensure you have access to clean water in case your usual sources are compromised.

14. Non-perishable snacks

High-energy snacks like energy bars can sustain you during emergencies.

15. Identification

Carry a copy of your ID, driver's license, and any other essential documents.

16. Cash

Have a small amount of cash in your EDC kit, as electronic transactions may not always be possible.


Creating an effective Everyday Carry kit is a personal process that depends on your individual needs and circumstances. Regularly assess and update your kit to ensure that it remains relevant to your lifestyle and potential risks in your environment. 

By investing time and effort into building a comprehensive EDC, you'll enhance your overall preparedness and readiness for unforeseen challenges. Remember, it's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.
